
Sand timer kit
Sand timer kit

sand timer kit

Players take twice as much knockback and knockback immunity is removed.Is 50% smaller, but has double the amount of segments.Desert Nuisances are much faster and make sharper turns.Movement speed and aggressiveness greatly increased.Fires Sand Blasts constantly and very rapidly.Gains up to 25% bonus acceleration and speed as its health lowers, on top of the boost in Expert Mode.Segments are increased from 74 to 84 and lunge speed increased by 75%.These worms act independently and are not required to be defeated to progress through the fight.2 Desert Nuisances are spawned alongside the main worm, each with a total of 14 segments.Segments are increased from 64 to 74 and speed increased by 50%.Gains up to 50% bonus acceleration and speed as its health lowers.Segments are increased from 54 to 64 and lunge speed increased by 25%.A rare attack where the Desert Scourge leaps below the player, firing 2 sets of 15 sand blasts upwards.A rare attack where the Desert Scourge leaps behind the player, going above them, and fires 10 sand blasts downward.A common attack where the Desert Scourge lunges at the player from underground along with 20 sand blasts upwards in a semicircle formation.There are 3 different variants of the sand blast attack:.If the attack takes longer than 10 seconds, it will automatically reset to its default behavior.After performing the attack, this timer resets on the apex of its lunge. This attack occurs every 9 / 6 seconds.Upon reaching 85% / 90% / 95% health, the Desert Scourge will occasionally burrow underground and roar, then rapidly lunge at the player while firing sand blasts before burrowing again from a height 37.5 tiles above the player.It becomes enraged if the player leaves the Desert biome or the underground, increasing its speed and acceleration by 75% (150% if both enrage conditions are met). The Desert Scourge has 54 / 64 / 74 / 84 segments in total. In its 1st phase, the Desert Scourge behaves similarly to a regular worm enemy, moving through blocks and attempting to charge at the player.

Sand timer kit